
Jun 16, 2008 01:11

1.) All hail X-chan, who has just received a promotion! She left a Geologist I; she is now an Engineer I. In order to obtain this, she had to overcome many obstacles, including The Ex-Boss Who Only Likes Blondes, The Ex-Boss Who Expected Her To Read His Mind Instead Of Giving Her Directions Even Vague Ones, and Our Lady Of The Perpetual Camel Toe, a.k.a. The Girl Who Is Openly A Furry And Tells Unfunny Cat Stories With No Point. (X-chan says she thinks she's fallen out of this girl's favor.)

2.) I got to watch about half of The Seven Samurai tonight (I didn't finish because I needed the computer and the lolmom came in to tell me she was done with it), and I've discovered that I can't watch samurai movies without an interior running monologue. More commentary when I've actually finished watching the other half. (Yes, I have in fact seen The Seven Samurai before. I'm not a total barbarian. That said, it's been a while, so.)
2a.) OMG WANT TO START GAME SO BADLY. What's stopping me? My total lack of any kind of research or workable concept at this point. Because I'm about realizing my exquisite early Tokugawa vision, bby.

3.) We had grilled chicken with a nice grape-based glaze and biscuits and a green-bean and tomato salad last night. :9 I think the lolmom ate the leftover biscuits. Dammit. I only got like three biscuits. The recipe makes twelve.

4.) Heard about earthquakes. Hope to God H is okay. Am entirely capable of living without him if necessary, but don't really find prospect appealing for some reason.

Off into the wild blue yonder now.

culinary adventures, x-chan, movies, rp, lolmom, h, life, samurai

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