Revenge of the Lold0rks

Feb 25, 2008 22:49

Note to augustuscaesar:

Unfortunately, I am unable to help you because I don't read the right kinds of scholarly work. D:

There is, however, a Gender Studies wonkette who has not only my full first and last name, but also the same middle initial. (I googled me.) I think she's Evil Alternaverse Lee, come to disrupt the space-time continuum or something and destroy classics 43V4H. She may also possibly want to murder me and wear my internal reproductive organs as a hat or something (in which case, she's welcome to them because I damn sure don't want the stupid things).

I'm not sure exactly what her area of specialization is, though, because I was so creeped out I didn't stick around long enough to find out.

academia and its discontents, silly, weird synergisms, i hate gender studies, tara, from the wtf files

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