These Aren't The Lulz You're Looking For

Feb 25, 2008 17:15

I'm not sure what it is about me and numbered lists, but okay.

1.) We have many ice storms here in southern Indiana! The undead zombie tree dropped more limbs, surprising no one, except these were rather large limbs, which came down in the driveway. You know, the driveway where I park my car. By the grace of God alone, the worst damage to my car was a very small ding that you can't see without really looking hard for it, but we still had to have someone come out to chainsaw up the limbs and take the wood off.

2.) Say what you will about Bobby Knight, but when he was coaching at IU, we never got dinged for recruiting violations, and he was adamant that his players get an education. Although I had to laugh when the Evansville Courier-Press referred to IU basketball fans as "the usually rabid fan base", if only because it's true.

3.) Speaking of IU, I almost definitely have to go to Bloomington this weekend. OH NOES!!!1oneone!!1 There's a meat-and-fish shop which has opened up by the Starbucks as you're going up to Third Street, and since it's fucking impossible to get good fish in Evansville (God knows we've tried, but the Schnucks has been a consistent disappointment and while I like salmon, I'd like to eat something else in a while), I'm tempted to start making visits with my little cooler in hand.

4.) We've been eating pretty damn well over the past couple of weeks (menu planning wins again!). We had spaghetti, chicken and noodles, and cod en papillote with bok choy, and now we have lasagna and also a cauliflower casserole. Nom nom nom, we has many leftovers. (We do probably need to use up the leftover bok choy, though, because I don't think I realized how much cabbagey goodness you can get off one of those bastards; at present, I'm leaning towards stir-frying it with pork. Also, we need to pick up chicken thighs or there will be no Brunswick stew.)

5.) Related to the above, I have gained a pound. FUCK.

6.) I have to throw out my favorite red hoodie because the zipper came off in the dryer, and there's no way that can be sewn back on. This makes me sad.

7.) X-chan has developed some sort of trainwrecky fixation on Jean-Claude Van Damme, to the extent that she has Netflixed his entire oeuvre. She's also been following the Cassie Edwards debacle and kept spouting facts about ferrets to me while we were on the phone. One worries about the X.

8.) It's really against my nature (and possibly also my better judgment) to do this, but I'm seriously considering making some kind of filter for mind-numbing blather about various goals I have and what I propose to do about them. (Those of you who have trouble sleeping should probably consider signing up.) Seriously, though: it's probably going to be relatively hand-picked, if only because one of these various goals involves weight loss and I'd be posting what I weigh, which I am somewhat reluctant to do. Point here being, I know I'm a fucking lardass, and I don't need to be made to feel like crap about it, especially since my health is otherwise good and I can still break your fucking arm without really thinking about it. (Cuddly and non-threatening, that's me!) So basically I guess you can comment if that's something you're at all interested in, but it really comes down to how comfortable I feel with letting you know what I weigh.

9.) Oh, crap. I forgot to ask H about my hair. I also forgot to mention the giant toad fossil found not too long ago, because after reading about that I understand exactly why he's afraid of frogs (this thing apparently ate baby dinosaurs).

10.) Last night, I had this dream about Josh, who was my best friend in high school and early college; we haven't had any contact in probably about five years or so. There was no dramatic falling-out or anything like that; we just went in different directions (and it didn't help that I left for Indiana, which I would have done regardless of whether my folks moved or not, almost 10 years ago). And I woke up wondering about him and where he is and if he's okay and all that kind of thing, and I can't find any trace of him on Google. I also can't remember exactly what the last e-mail address I had for him was, and now I'm not going to be happy until this is resolved. Even though I'm sure it was at least partially my own goddamn fault.

11.) It's almost March, and when it is, I can exhale.

culinary adventures, iu! iu! iu!, josh, weight, friends, weather, x-chan, sekrit cunning plans, spring, basketball, curse of undead zombie tree, winter blunderland, h, bloomington, life

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