Avast, Ye Scurvy Scalawags!

Sep 19, 2007 20:18

Arrr, mateys! It be beldar's birthday!
Hopefully, this will be the year in which he finally receives a monkey.

1.) So I finally started biting the bullet and cooping up Callice during the day, because she can't be trusted to not run around and pee on everything. The living room is the main point of concern right now, since it's the only room that she likes to pee in that can't be shut off, and the areas where she likes to pee aren't visible from most vantage points. Every morning has turned into a struggle; imagine wrangling a three-year-old, complete with screaming, "NOOOOOO! I DON'T WANNA!". However, I'm finding pee in the litterbox when I clean it. RESULT!

2.) Rabies shots are this weekend. Thankfully, C adopts passive resistance strategies ("I CANZ B DED WATE") when confronted with the vet, and everybody remarks on what a good kitty she is.

3.) Ate at the Waffle House in New Albany today. Mmm, waffles.

4.) Made tilapia breaded in Corn Chex crumbs for dinner last night, with a nice cilantro aioli. The aioli required hot pepper as an ingredient, so I hacked the crap out of one of those peppers in adobo that we've got sitting in the freezer for such occasions. Unfortunately, it turned out to be too zippy for Mom's tastes (teh m0mmy is a fabulous guinea pig, but is not partial to spicy foods). Also, despite the milk and egg-white mixture, the Corn Chex crumbs would not stay on the goddamn fish. Other than that, though, it was pretty good.

5.) Maori Maori Maori Maori angst, also Maori. Whine whine whine oh it is so sad that I am not independently wealthy angst angst angst I wanna go to New Zealand pain pain pain just because some college somewhere has a program in Maori Studies does not mean I am entitled to go there and study it woe suffering misery SHUT THE FUCK UP LEE.

6.) This week is almost over. ThankyouZeus.

7.) I really need to ring Madison and book tickets for Chautauqua Weekend Saturday, which is next weekend (eeee). Mom fussed a bit because she feels guilty about my buying her a ticket for the historical house walking tour, even though I'm not that interested in looking at houses. I'm just excited about seeing Madison. :D

8.) It would probably also be good if I would mail my Visa payment, especially on account of I just got paid so I have no excuse.

9.) Back to n0v3ling.

culinary adventures, birthdays, money, cat, friends, t3h n0v3l omg, weekend plans, announcements, john

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