Aug 31, 2007 16:35

I apologize for the subject line. I just really needed to scream.

The week is finally 0V4R and I have a headache and my legs ache from sitting in the goddamn car pretty much all day, and I'm going to compound this by going to dinner with Joy. If she makes me pick (even though I picked last time), I'm going to pick someplace with a liquor license. And I have to get up early tomorrow to get the proverbial feet worked on, and I sort of really just want to work on t3h n0v3l. Except I haven't seen Joy in a while, and I need to schlep the produce into the house before it goes bad; it's been riding around in my car all day too. (Don't ask, unless you really want a dissertation on southern Indiana geography.)

Other plans for the weekend involve "seeing The Last Legion" and possibly "seeing The Last Legion and complaining about it here" if it turns out to ping the Bad-History-O-Meter. Also I want to finally finish the disappointment that has been The Dream Thief by Shana Abé. (I read The Smoke Thief last summer, and was also disappointed in it. See under "Really Cool Premise Ruined by Crummy Romance". However, my covenant with reading way the fuck too much requires that I finish it, or I am a moral failure. Plus, if I finish it, I can mock the ending.) And then I want to read a bunch of other stuff.

My point here is that, as of right this very instant, it is the freakin' weekend and I'm gonna go have me some fun. Back later.

books omg, labor day, joy, aaaaaaaargh, weekend, life

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