Right, so.

Aug 25, 2007 23:41

Things that have happened in the past week, none of them of much interest:

1.) The dryer is broken no more. Turns out it was just a belt that needed to be replaced, and if we clean the lint off the element periodically this dryer might do us another 16 years. Hurrah! Dry laundry is Good.

2.) Am thorough, utter dick when it comes to keeping track of actually important shit. So disgusted with myself right now.

3.) The MasterCard bill came. FINALLY I am under $900 on it. YAY!

4.) Went to the store (after putting it off for several aeons) on Friday night. Mom can eat microwave meals, but I can't (I prefer not to take along anything that needs to be refrigerated, since I have no access to a fridge or microwave on my various travels). Sandwich makings are still a go, however.

5.) In sympathy with aeromancy, and because we have the A/C on and I can, have been drinking green tea. Should not have purchased jumbo pack, am afraid of never getting through it now. Persevere in hopes of ultimately moving on to box given us by my grandmother.

6.) Really fell off the wagon on the exercise front, though. It is hard to take much interest in walking a mile out of doors when the heat index is 105, though dark rumors have been whispered of projected rain.

7.) Among other things, I am at present reading The Path of the Devil: Early Modern Witch Hunts by Gary Jensen. The witch craze fascinates me because one can slice it so many ways and interrogate it from several perspectives (including, of course, the wrong one!); Jensen's is a sociological analysis, which is something new since typically what I'm liable to get on the topic is straight history.

8.) X-chan called before she leaves on her exciting vacation (Latvia, also Denmark; forgottensanity, if you run into X, be nice to her OR ELSE). Also, she got the birthday present I mailed her okay. Thankfully, the bottle was unsmashed.

9.) Apparently I've been really tired lately, because I fell asleep in the La-Z-Boy last night with the cat on my lap whilst reading Lenin's Brain (a tremendously funny novel which has long been one of my favorites). It was about midnight when I realized I needed to, uh, wake up and go to bed, and I slept until about 9:30 this morning.

10.) Isn't it remarkable how I can string a pretty boring week into an entire dull, self-absorbed entry about nothing?

cat, x-chan, witch craze, tea, adventures in building credit, books omg, sane weight loss, anemos, aaaaaaaargh

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