Senseless gibble ahoy!

Aug 12, 2007 01:27

Callice has been zitching and gribbing all day because we had BLTs for lunch and unaccountably failed to drop some bacon for her OR put down the grease pan so she could lick it out, and THEN I had cream cheese on a bagel which I also failed to drop. This is cruel of me. It is also cruel of me to persist in feeding her kibble, even though she is BORED with kibble and DOES NOT WANT kibble and WHY do I not give her wet pet food or kitty treats like I did before we left for Florida in May. (Because morally speaking it's the equivalent of letting her eat three bowls of Fruity Pebbles in front of the TV, is why not.) She then typically settles down and scarfs up her kibble; at her sole discretion, it may or may not wind up on the living room floor later.

(I seem to have gotten it into my head that my next cat should be a Himalayan, but Callice really needs to be an only pet, or else I'll come home to find this entire part of Indiana submerged in cat pee. And when she does go, I'll probably wait until she's been gone a decent time before getting another cat. But there will, eventually, be a next cat; I've always had one, and I'd like to continue to have one.)

Now that I make enough money, I should really let a professional deal with the ol' toenails. They'd probably look better. Also, at the risk of TMIing anyone, my two smallest toes on each foot are congenitally deformed, which does not make it easy to cut the nails on those feet. You know, I really can't get inside the brains of people with foot fetishes, because my feet are incredibly ugly and I imagine most people's are too. Feet aren't about aesthetics.

For some reason, I seem to do my best RPG planning in IHOP at about one in the morning. I'm not sure why this is. At any rate, I've got the bare bones of the projected samurai game hashed out, and a couple of revisions I'd like to make to TI when it comes back (nobody hold their breath on that one; it will return, but I couldn't tell you when). Now, of course, I just require motivation to sit down and work on said game, and also constant reminding that I am not writing a doctoral dissertation and can do a respectable job on this with a handful of sources, even if I'm the only person not satisfied with it.

Also, I should stop frying my brains with Mister Kitty's Stupid Comics page.

stupid feet, linx0rz, cat, rpgs, samurai, rp

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