h3ll0 again.

Aug 11, 2007 08:09

I went to Madison and Vevay yesterday, and you didn't. If you happen to like artsy, pretty little towns, you are jealous, because that's what these are. Madison's a couple miles past Hanover, where two of my aunts went to college, so I got to drive through Hanover on my way there; the college isn't on the state road and it doesn't appear as pervasive as IU is in Bloomington. (Yes, everything is about Bloomington for me, and it likely will be for the next six months or so, whenever I manage to get up. Fair warning.) Ordinarily, I wouldn't go out that far, but one of the other searchers had to beg off, and I only had a couple of piffly little things in Corydon and New Albany anyway (plus I was worried about getting my eight hours in). It's easily about a three-and-a-half hour drive back from Vevay, so I more or less collapsed when I got home.

I've got the entire day before me and nobody is going to make me do any title work or anything. Hurrah! I have a stack of things I want to finish reading, and I might try to get things for ukekenshin in the mail at long last. I might also go buy more YA poo, I don't know; I've read everything I have now. (I've called a moratorium on new books since I have stuff I just got in Salem and haven't finished, but YA poo doesn't really count since I don't read it as religiously; it's generally turning-my-brain-off or waiting-for-my-nails-to-dry matter.)

And maybe I'll fiddle with one of the sites and write up some notes for the samurai game and do some laundry and figure out what to do. It's the weekend; my obligations are all suspended.

Speaking of obligations: a happy belated birthday to ocarina. Hope it was fabulous. ♥

See you all later.

indiana, birthdays, meaghan, ya poo, friends, omg talyn, books omg, announcements, life, weekend, work

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