Miscellaneous crap

Jul 16, 2007 14:59

Hi. I'm not dead. I am, however, very busy trying to get my Real Life (tm) in some kind of order, but the process thereof is not something that anybody wants to hear about, so I haven't been up to blogging lately, except for private posts that contain my to-do list of doom and woe. On the other hand, at least I am actually accomplishing parts of my to-do list of doom and woe.

H still hasn't written. I am starting to worry but cannot justify calling him to myself.

forgottensanity and jurhael, I've set up folders for you guys on XFN; just log into the WebFTP utility, and there they are. They are named "fbi" and "jowystuff" respectively. Got questions? Feel free to e-mail.

Also, if anyone has whiny shit they want legitimized, please feel free to hit up someone else. My purpose in life is not to coddle you and coo over you with tender words of "nice", but I will be happy to enable you to suck it up and do something about whatever is wrong with your life instead of just crying and whining and grousing all the goddamn time. Thanks so much!

Bloomington tomorrow. WIN.

jo, h, cat, xfn, bloomington, job hunt '07, life

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