Restating the obvious.

Aug 03, 2003 05:30

This journal will never, ever be friends-only, not because my life is so profoundly important and sensitive that only people whose journals I read could possibly understand its beautiful complexity, but because I don't give a shit who reads my journal. When people friend me, I usually friend them back, but I like when they interact with me. (For example.) If I don't want people to see it, I'll say it where they can't see it.

It doesn't usually occur to me to not say things. I speak my mind. Often, there's nothing very profound or important on my mind. Sometimes there is. I keep a journal as a way to keep from going COMPLETELY FUCKING BALLISTIC, and a lot of the time I use it as catharsis. If you read it and enjoy it, or are curious, that's kickass, but it's also incidental.

I'm not to all tastes. I'm an angry person. I feel very frustrated at this point in my life. I like to cuss. I like to mock things, including things of which you may be fond, including things of which I am fond. I very rarely apologize and I am unlikely to care about your good opinion. If you matter to me, you'll know. If I hate your fucking guts, you'll know.

You do not have to agree with me. I probably do not agree with you. THAT IS OKAY. But if you do disagree with me, then your confrontation of my views should be honest. Mine of yours will be.

about me, psa, admin

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