I scare me.

Aug 03, 2003 01:11

I have been in a weird funk all weekend to the effect that I just want to put a sign on my door: HI LEAVE ME ALONE PLZ KTHX. Tomorrow, or perhaps later today, I'm going to work to input property. (The Property Fairy visits every weekend so that the Overtime Fairy can visit me.) Maybe I'll go to IHOP afterwards. I might even go to Borders to look at samurai manga and classics-related items and be all depressed because I can't afford them.

m0mmy and the X brought me Chinese. At least I think it was for me, since neither of them eat crab Rangoon.

Anyway, I zonked out at about 8 p.m. and slept for 4 hours, give or take. During which time, I had a bizarre dream about hunting for houses and meeting a girl I don't know really well. Mental note to self: no more samurai before bed.

I am so far behind on Terra Incognita. I have like 1800 things to do with it. Off to do them.

classics, culinary adventures, manga, lolmom, terra incognita, x-chan, dreams

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