The Yesterday Report

May 21, 2006 19:04

I am feeling considerably less emo today, thanks to 1.) a pretty good yesterday and 2.) 14 hours of sleep, something that's been in short supply since Thursday. Basically, yesterday was all right--I went in to work from about 8:30 to 4:30, typed LPRs, all that crap. Mark poked his head in around 11:15 to ask me if I liked Golden Corral, assuring me that I would instantly feel much better about myself due to the preponderance of the horrifically huge. He was not kidding. (Also, it appears that our troops were deployed to the Evansville Golden Corral, but okay.) Since I couldn't find a polite way to say, Uh, I can't eat right now, but thanks, I tagged along and managed to choke down a plateful.

I'd rung Joy earlier in the day to see if she wanted to grab a bite to eat. We agreed to meet after I ran to the library (because frankly if I didn't get Isaac Deutscher's biography of Trotsky there was going to be big trouble), so we hung out at Olive Garden, and then subsequently at the bookstore. It was probably around 8 or 9 when I got out of Joy's driveway; Mom had been at home dealing with the lumpenproletariat. (We finally moved all X-chan's stuff out of the house yesterday and packed it off to Arizona for her; the piano and butcher block, which dethorats and treyvadi will remember, are gone now. It'll take some getting used to.)

Callice has been peeing in places that are not the litterbox, and has been doing this fairly recently. I'm almost hoping that this is something physical, because then it can be fixed fairly easily; however, I suspect that it's behavioral. I just can't figure out why; there's no new pet, no new baby, no move, no major trauma. We've given her the benefit of the doubt where the guest room is concerned, but she's been peeing on the wing chairs, the rattan couch on the porch, and in X-chan's closet (all places where she'd have ample opportunity to get to the litterbox). So I'm calling the vet tomorrow and making an appointment for her: hopefully that will work out.

Hopefully everything will work out.

where have you gone charming trotsky, cat, friends, stupid celebrity crushes, weekend, life, work

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