I'm Getting Too Old For This

Feb 06, 2006 16:45

There was a time when I used to have embarrassing celebrity crushes on dead Communists.

That time was, like, ten years ago, meaning that it is in the past, meaning that it is over, meaning that I am now officially too old to be thumbing through the books that date from my passionate obsession with Russian history (since cooled to mere interest) and thinking that Lev Trotsky was a total babe and that I should have gone to Mexico to see his grave while I still lived in San Antonio.

God damn me.

[EDIT: If anyone has any idea why I feel compelled to blurt my embarrassing personal issues onto TEH INTARWEBZ as though they were interesting to other people, please tell me.]

[EDIT to the EDIT: Apparently, I was so hung up on old Lev Davidovich there that when I was packing to leave this morning, I forgot my toiletry bags and now have to make a Hell-Mart run.]

where have you gone charming trotsky, communism, embarrassing personal issues, blasts from the past, russian history

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