Why Yes It IS Sunday

Feb 05, 2006 20:33

Fanfic recs for this week. Whee!

1.) Solace in the Cup by Freelance Muse. Dionysus comes to visit Cassandra in the last days before Hector's death, and leaves her with sweetness to dilute the sorrow. The prose is really lush, and the author uses imagery to great effect; the description is plentiful without being purple.
What else has this author done? Her work has been various--there's a little bit of everything.

2.) Firestorms by Tiamats Child. A sweet, sad fic about Cassandra and Andromache at the sack of Troy, taking refuge in the temple of Artemis. There's some nice imagery here, and most of all the mood of desperation and fatalism comes through.
What else has this author done? Most of her other work is in Les Miserables fandom and RPS, and she's done a few pieces based on Frances Hodgson Burnett's work as well.

3.) On Helen by Elandae. A brief description of Helen, physically and preternaturally. Short, but powerful.
What else has this author done? The only other work of hers that I know about is Trojan War fic.

[SPESHUL IRRELEVANT NOTE FOR momo: Yes, Ashley, I'm working on my e-mail even as we speak. This does not give you carte blanche to fall down on the job, though.]

trojan war, recs, fandom, fic

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