Stupid news!

May 19, 2003 18:50

Jared crawled back out from under his rock to ask how I was. That was nice of him. Which reminds me, speaking of exes, I need to write Aaron. Speaking of absent friends, I need to write or call most of mine. Let me tell you, it COMPLETELY SUCKS ASS when most of your friends are in other places.

My father appears to be moving back East. I don't care what he does as long as he keeps his ass out of Indiana. Not that I can really stop him, but you know. All I want is that he should stop bothering me, but if I bring this up, he gets all angry and defensive and demands to know why. He LEFT. He's GONE. He's OUT OF THE PICTURE. I'm fucking grown, and I'm not dependent on him anymore. He has no fucking business asking me to justify the choices I've made.

Work is going all right. We're getting a n00b in on Wednesday. He's the son of Somebody Important, so the trick will be getting away with hazing. n00bs are fun!

X-chan is home. We had an amusing conversation last night about cheesecloth, which worked a lot better in person, but for the sake of fubar, I'll repeat it here. X-chan went to the store and brought back cheesecloth (For Home and Craft Purposes!). Apparently, the cheesecloth manufacturers were trying to emphasize the "craft" aspects of cheesecloth, so the package showed an angel and a ghost made of cheesecloth on the cover.

X-CHAN: d00d, like anybody's going to make a ghost out of cheesecloth.
ME: Don't be talking smack about cheesecloth, d00d.
X-CHAN: Yeah. Cheesecloth has its uses.
ME: Cheesecloth owns, yo.
X-CHAN: Cheesecloth can represent!

She's dating another one of those fucking goons. I suppose it's wrong of me to want him to be fatally injured by booby traps in the jungles of Thailand or something, but X-chan's past romantic interludes have not exactly inspired any faith in her taste in men. Neither have the men themselves, actually. I don't think X-chan is an idiot, just that she's young and inexperienced and brotherless, and I feel obliged to vet her dates since we have no brothers and our father is more or less useless.

I had to get all the venom about his wife out before X-chan arrived. I did get off some inspired reflections on her ancestry, her social class, and what she probably did for a living before my father married her. Low blows, but one bad turn deserves ten worse.

Last night I made calzones for dinner. My fingers still smell like garlic. I never want to see another calzone again.

Also: Wareh (current favorite person ever) sent me some links. Thank God. I was reduced to more or less punching "classics PLEASE I'M DESPERATE LET ME COME BACK TO THE IVORY TOWER I'LL BE GOOD I PROMISE" into Google. I had been meaning to write him. I guess now I have no excuse not to.

...and that's it. I have games to catch up on and pages to make.

webstuff, culinary adventures, x-chan, wareh, j, aaron, rp, tedious paternal drama

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