My Early Principate dick is bigger than yours.

May 08, 2003 12:11

Just got out of C388. Now, a run across campus to get something to eat, and then to the library to cram for C405. Then, back home to call CTC, study for B200, and clean a little before I go to bed at 3 a.m., only to wake up at 8:30 a.m., clean and pack some more, sell back some books, and sit for my B200 exam. If I'm really good, I can even get some sleep before m0mmy arrives tomorrow night.

I lied about the essay I promised earlier (because I'm just too zapped to do anything with it), but let's just say that, as the title implies, my Early Principate dick is bigger than yours, and I scraped through the essay by dint of my old friend Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus. The essay was heavy on Augustus and Caligula and sort of nodded at Nero, because I seemed unable to remember anything about him. Test-induced amnesia, I guess. Also, I got off some nice commentary on the nature of ancient historiography. w00t!

I'm off to get fast food, which I know I should not be eating, but which I inexorably want. It's my default exam food. And I can buy it with meal points.

I may or may not post tomorrow. Depends on what I have to do.

classics, lolmom, roman history, school, work

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