Disjointed ramblings.

May 07, 2003 18:01

Expect a post later tonight about what happens when the Emperor of Rome doesn't even pay lip service to trying to be all buddy-buddy and kissyface with the Senate. I have to write an essay on things the emperors did to be popular (and things that happened when they failed) for my C388 exam, but at least I can have a little fun with it.

In other stupid news, I spent last night dicking around with Photoshop, which I don't have at home but can piddle with illicitly on the IU computers, and I now have a Pressure Drop layout for June (HOORAY I KNOW HOW TO MAKE IFRAMES NOW), a bunch of new icons which you can see when I have a paid account (something I want to buy myself for my birthday), and a layout for the LJ when I have a paid account.

Also, I learned that even when I pretend to be a Web designer, much of my Web design has classical allusions.

I have completely and totally failed to clean my room. At all. This is NOT GOOD. It means I can expect to get approx. 10 hours of sleep between now and Friday. That estimate may be overgenerous.

I need to go study because I have two exams tomorrow.

I need ice cream.

I need to find some way to make rejection not be about me.

webstuff, classics, school

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