Monday, Finals Week.

May 05, 2003 08:48

I feel like I'm skipping class, even though I have no obligations until 8 a.m. tomorrow. I feel like I should be off doing something important and busy. (I should definitely be studying for C206.) I feel very tired, despite having gotten about 9 hours of sleep last night.

Anyway, a tentative to-do list for the next week or so:
Study for C206 exam
Sit for C206 exam (8 a.m., Tues.)
Study for C388 exam
Study for C405 exam
Sit for C388 exam (10:15 a.m., Thurs.)
Sit for C405 exam (2:45 p.m., Thurs.)
Study for B200 exam
Sit for B200 exam (2:25 p.m., Fri.)

Clean room
Pack up
Schedule check-out with Sarah
Turn in room key
Check mail
Send in housing contract

Call CTC, see about work for the summer
Sell back some textbooks
Finish Miriyan Empire information for Terra Incognita (about half is up; if it doesn't get done before I leave, it's not the end of the world)
Sappy tribute letter

And that's it. Terra Incognita is coming along beautifully, and I hope to be able to open it up before the end of the month. (Gee, I've only been working on it 2 years, in some form or another.) I wish I had better Webspace, but what I have isn't bad at all, and my site is not popular enough to justify the expense of a domain.

I have this vague, bad idea for a "Voyage of Wenamun" RPG, which would be a good idea on several levels; the original "Voyage of Wenamun" is incomplete, so it would allow us to follow the canon strictly and then take it in whatever direction we wanted. It's a fun story: it's 1075 BC, hapless Egyptian priest Wenamun is on a mission from God, and everything that can go wrong will. Also, Bronze Age Egypt is pretty well established, so I wouldn't have to actually make up background as I'm doing for Terra Incognita.

But we'll see. One at a time. And maybe I'll get sick of the whole idea anyway.

Um, that's pretty much it. I'm out.

to do, terra incognita, school, sarah ra, rp

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