My bosses gave me Thurs and Fri off so they could go to Bike Week in NH. I managed to keep busy! Come see my thursday...
Oops! Almost forgot that it was ditl day...thanks LJ :-) It's so late!
Go to the bathroom, finally...The cup is the only thing that reminds me that oh yeah, it's period week! (that's where my Diva resides the other three weeks of the month) So i do that. And because I'm not working, after I wash up, I put on earrings! The daisy ones :-)
I can also wear a low-cut shirt--no babies to pull on my neckline and flash the world! I get dressed and go join mama.
HELL YEAH BRUINS!!!!!!!! So. Much. Love. I <3 Boston! Anyways. I take my normal brekkie out on the porch, because it is LOVELY out! (And yes, that is an Ernie and Bert placemat. we don't throw things out.
I was so excited to wear sandals today and show off the toesies, but then I decided to take a walk so I had to change to sneaks.
Sunscreen and bugspray, then out I go! Hi, street. I love you. I will miss you when I move away!
I see pretty flowers, rock walls that have been there for ages (potentially as far back as Colonial times, that's the kind of area I live in)...
And I turn into a side street and happen to see two of my FAVORITE BIRDS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD, Great Blue Herons. One flew away, the other landed in the middle of the lake...can you see him/her?
I wonder what he's growing...this dude was on Wife Swap a bunch of years ago, when I was in high school! He got the crazy Jesus-lady, who threw up at the "stench" in his house, aka the fact that he's into astrology and not Jesus. Our neighborhood's claim to fame, right there...
I hope this video works for you...I stopped for a minute to just listen to the birds. They were loud!
Stop sign says stop, so I do, and turn around. Sorry to interrupt your snack, Mr. Chippy!
Finally back home! Hi house! I reward myself for the long walk with some ice cold noms :-)
Then I empty the dishwasher like a good girl, so we can start packing. Reason number 4590835 that we need a new kitchen: this dishwasher consistently leaves dirt/soap on several things. It's like a game to guess how many things will need re-washing.
I've been looking forward to getting into that dead corner and finding stuff forever...i never knew what was back there! In our new kitchen, there will be a door on the opposite side of the peninsula so that we can get into that corner. Woot.
Breaktime...we FINALLY watch the season finale of Private Practice...and I indulge. it was taunting me!
More and more stuff, into boxes and onto the dining room table. whee!
When we reach a stopping point, I go online and do some stuff, then my mom shows me something AWESOME: a calendar. from 1988. That is my first birthday, and also when the outside walls of the second floor of this house were built! It was so cool to see her notes on the progress of the house, from foundation poured to walls done. We moved in February of '89 :-)
Then it's time for me to go! I hop in the car and get Garry the Garmin up and running. On the way, I drink some of this...sleepy shaina was sleepy.
I'm early, so I read a bit in the car, til my awesome Sis shows up! And Laura too (shown stretching).
Sis won a Mary Kay facial party :-) it was so fun! Also, this was my first Public Bathroom Self-Portrait! Wish i'd taken one AFTER the makeup...
All too soon it's time for me to Cambridge! A bunch of my friends are singing in a concert at the Friends Meetinghouse.
They were awesome! I was gonna link to my videos but they're not up yet. Instead, go to and look's the coolest camp EVER.
Back's still 71 degrees at 10:15pm! WOOOOOOOO! one garage is full of cabinets...can't wait til they're in!
Mama's just chillin', so I join her and check stuffs on my iPod.
Late snack since my dinner consisted of a Special K bar and cheerios. Whoops.
Finish the night on the computer, of course...if you haven't discovered this site yet, go. laugh your ass off. you're welcome!
Thanks for reading!