Purse pics

Jun 25, 2006 16:01


My first messed up attempt (now being used as my yarn bag) and the finished "real" purse are both there. Real purse has had my wallet & stuff transferred to it and will start being used next time I leave my apartment. The color in the photos is a little off, the color that looks dark blue is actually a deep purple. The blue is a bit darker, not a light turquose as it shows up here, the orange is a little less red. The green is roughly the right color. I also bought a little plastic case to hold pens inside the purse to reduce the likelihood of stainage, since there is no inner liner. The yarn is mercerized cotton and fairly sturdy, but still... the green and orange could be easily stained.

Next project: attempt (again) to learn to knit, if that is successful then I will take on an "easy" knitting project.
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