Doctor Who!

Dec 06, 2018 19:55

When I asked for topics to blog about in my last post, Doctor Who was far and away the most popular choice, in particular the 13th Doctor.

Before I begin, a story. Back when "should there be a woman Doctor?" was a raging debate, I always erred on the no side. The companion is a terrific role! We need new leads for women! And so much of the discussion was unbelievably tedious. But then the new Doctor reveal aired and my heart was in my mouth because oh wow those hands look feminine is the Doctor a woman? and then Jodie pulled back her hood and she was and I was so happy that the Doctor is a woman that I cried.

Let's just say I was predisposed to like 13.

And I love her. I love her joy, her enthusiasm, her energy. I love how she rigged up a workshop to craft herself a new sonic out of finest Sheffield steel barely minutes after regenerating. I love that she's friendly and outgoing, because I've always preferred a curious, excitable Doctor to an emo one.

As for the rest of Team Tardis - Yaz is great and I only wish she had a bit more space to shine. She's likable and has a good vibe with the Doctor, but I feel like I haven't got to know her enough yet.

Graham I feel we're getting to know best of all the new companions, and despite my 'why do we need this old white dude?' reservations I do quite like him. His grief storyarc has been thoughtfully handled, but the fact that it was build over the body of another dead black woman grates.

Ryan seemed promising in the first episode, but I'm not getting much of a handle on him just yet? Idk, possibly it's meant to come across as awkwardness, but he seems a bit stiffly acted.

I'm inclined to agree with other people who've said taking on three new companions at once, especially with a new Doctor, was a mistake. Spacing them out might at least have given them all a bit more time to shine.

Still, overall, I'm really enjoying the current season. It's fun and engaging, with more of the style of Doctor Who I enjoy. I've not yet been quite tempted back into the fandom proper, but I'm enjoying the show more than I have done for a long time.

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13, doctor who

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