Here's a thought: instead of moaning about the price of pies like I normally do, how about a good, positive post for a change, hm? Yes, I think so.
01. I has fic! Twice.
spn_women, which is a source of much joy and delight, has a whole load of female-centric fic, most of which still awaits my perusal. I lucked in big time with the fest though, as in addition to my exchange fic, I also had an extra gift fic, both awesome Dorothy Parker-inspired Anna stories. Win!
Lions Make You Brave by
electrumqueen. Anna & Gabriel gen, PG: I'm Anna. I hear voices.
Really cool set-up, with fabulous stuff about Anna, love, heaven, and rediscovery. Also, I say gen but you can totally read it as Anna/Gabriel, which is cool.
Without Mythologies by
bellatemple. Anna, Castiel, Gabriel, Ruby, gen with hints of het and femslash, Teen. Anna is something that cannot be: an angel and a human.
Everyone is rendered beautifully in here - the Miltons, Castiel, Gabriel, Ruby, and most of all Anna herself. It's perfect, and on top of that there is a bear. BEARS!
halfamoon, which I only discovered the other day courtesy of some lovely flisters just as I'd been thinking that such a thing should exist! From the userinfo: Half a Moon is a fourteen day challenge celebrating female characters in fandom, which will run from February 1 through Valentine's Day. Fanfiction, vids, recs, art, picspam, icons, meta, fanmixes, and outside links to content fitting the theme of this community are all welcome--the only rule is that the primary focus must be on a female character or characters. YAYS! Plus, they are having a
03. Being Human cast does another three inna bed pic of hotness for
Gay Times. Those saucy blighters. ;D
04. The existence of
Laurie Wisbrun's fabric. I doubt I'll be able to splash out and buy it any time soon, but knowing that there is something so utterly delightful in the world makes me happy. Donkeys in welly boots! Aw.
This Guardian picspam of Michelle Obama. How is she so awesome?