Hello Shaggy Dog Swappers!
Now that the art has been arted, it's time for the fic to be ficced. Don't panic Shaggy Writers! The final draft of your fic isn't due until 31 October yet--which is weeks away. We just thought that this might be a good time to start recruiting betas and/or cheerleaders to help you with the ficcing.
So if you're a beta/will like to volunteer as a beta, please copy the following info and comment to this post:
I'm very good at:
I would prefer not to deal with fics that deal with:
My availability:
My limits and timeframe:
Anything else?:
(Beta sign-up form and explanation stolen from the rs_games.)
Name: This should be pretty self-explanatory. (Who are you? What would you like to be called? LOL)
I am very good at:: List your beta-ing strengths. For fics this might be: SPAG (spelling, punctuation, grammar), syntax, plot development, characterization help, canon knowledge, Brit picking, knowledge of history/foreign languages, formatting, etc.
I would prefer not to deal with fics that deal with:: Nobody wants to beta something they hate, so be honest here. Are there squicks that are deal-breakers? Situations you can't handle? If you hate watersports, character death, cheating, bondage, fluff, bestiality, stories involving melon, etc. please say it. (Note: Let's be honest here, most people are NOT going to be writing scat, etc. in a situation in which people are voting, but it might not hurt to say it.)
My availability: Do you have a set work schedule? Are you going on vacation? Do you have best days to work? Tell us?
My limits and timeframe: Do you prefer to beta shorter works? Can you handle things over 30,000 words? How long does it usually take you to beta a fic of a given length?
Anything else?: Tell us anything.
Questions? Death threats? Please contact the mods. :)