Dec 10, 2009 12:22
Why has no one made an honest-to-goodness Riza action figure yet. Especially PlayArts. I mean, they have Ed and his girl, Winry... And they have Roy, but what about Roy's girl? D:<
I don't know, I think Riza and Winry have pretty equal positions in the plot. They're equally deep characters, and while one has faced a shitload more character development than the other, it doesn't change the fact that they're both awesome.
I want a nice Riza figure to go with my nice Roy figure. Otherwise I can't make them hold hands and hug and shit. D:>
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND call me a faggot or a person-with-bad-taste-in-movies, but I want to go see that Avatar movie. :C
The one with the blue tribal aliens, not the Airbender one. Although I want to see the Airbender, too. >>;
It just looks neat and fun. Kind of like Transformers. It's not necessarily well-written, and the jokes are terrible, but it's interesting as fuck and it keeps your eyes glued to the screen.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for great storytelling, script, and plot. But sometimes you just need to sit and watch shit and feel good about it.
If I want deep, well-written shit, I'll go watch The Secret Life of Bees... or Changeling... or The Lion King. You know, stuff that's actually critically acclaimed because of good acting and good script and good everything, instead of being an orgasmic dump of special-effects like Transformers 2 or 2012 or The Day The Earth Stood Still.
... But half of the time? I just want to sit and wingasm over some really fucking epic-action-angst-wincakes shit. Okay. The end.
After all, what are movies? They are entertainment (and also an art form, more importantly). Yes, they may have deeper qualities to them equivalent to that of a book, but it does not change what they are: fun. And if a movie does not entertain me, I don't consider it to be a good movie (obviously this is purely subjective opinion that determines this). Why? Because it's not doing it's job.
It's why I love movies like G.I. Joe and Stealth and Transformers. They're a piece of visual art, and I enjoy them whole-heartedly without shame.
And it's why I'm going to go see Avatar.