(no subject)

Nov 10, 2011 00:50

I was super-productive today. This tends to happen immediately after an exam or an assignment. My brain is freed up from the stress and panic of school, and I am finally aware of my surroundings.

- lunch with a friend (yay social!)
- studied for an hour at the local cafe
- ran into a friend from high school at the local cafe (yay social!)
- ordered my iphone, for pickup tomorrow
- printed a recent phone bill so that I can show them my current plan
- researched new plans for the iphone. This was rather demoralizing but I pushed through.
- talked to my brother on the phone, twice (yay social!)
- did two loads of laundry, and some handwashing. I even folded the laundry instead of just leaving it in the dryer (this is something of an achievement - I know...)
- vacuumed the carpets
- took the lint-roller to my couch. Black couch in a dusty apartment is not the best idea.
- washed the dishes
- emptied and re-loaded the dishwasher
- took out two bags of garbage
- tried to take out a bag of recycling, but the chute was jammed. I took this as a sign that I should clean up the useless piles of paper lying around the apartment, including finally disposing of some old IDs and cards from 3+ years ago
- read 2 magazines and a playbill, so that I could throw them out too
- emailed attendance figures for last night's home church
- emailed some people about plans for December
- took a pair of pliers to the purse I bought a month ago and haven't been able to use because on the very first day I took it out of the house, I lost the zipper pull on my way to work (and found it 9 hours later on my way home from work). I'm hoping the pliers will have done the trick, but I think it's cheap metal on the zipper pull, so it will probably go again. Meh.

And finally, but I do this every night, I also read a ridiculous amount of news and Facebookage online. It was a winning evening, and I'm soooo proud of myself. Of course, the list of things I didn't get to is also quite long, so tomorrow will have to be superproductive too. Perhaps if I could get my mind to shut off enough so that I could sleep, this would be possible. Come on mind... sleepytime!

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