.I'm Still The. Same Person. No Matter How Fast. I Run.

Jan 19, 2005 12:49

I'm having a really big problem with this school thing. I just can't seem to get my ass up to go. This is my second day this semester, plus I've gotten 2 tardies. How that hell am I gonna make it at this pace. I'm trying to damn hard to do well, N I am only when I'm there. The weird this is, is that I actually got out of bed this morning and everything. I just didn't feel good.
:( I'm supposed to go to work tonight too. I hope I still can because I need the hours. Idk how I'll pay my car insurance if I don't go.

My mom's mad at me because of this. Which I don't really understand because it's not her high school career. N she knos damn well that I would never just not go if I was missing something important. But the thing is, is that nothing I'm doing right not is important. It's all the same stuff. Boring. Boring. Boring. Plus she knos that I will make up EVERYTHING so idk what her deal is. She can be mad all she wants, just as long as she leaves me alone about it. I kno what I'm doing, and if I mess up then it's on me.
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