Apr 19, 2012 03:31
When does it end? I ask myself this every day. I had yet another zombie apocalypse dream last night. It was weird. Whole city deserted and pockets of survivors heading to safe zones whereas my family decided to wait it out in our own home.
What does it all mean?
Usually when I have zombie apocalypse dreams, I'm usually stressed out. I think in this case, it was because of game 4 of the playoffs, where the Canucks were at the brink of elimination against the Kings, as those damn Kings led the series 3-0 in round 1. Luckily, we won.
Or it could mean that I just like to hole myself up in my very own home, regardless of what's going on in the real world. That might be it. I've been meaning to work on my thesis on campus to get some REAL work done, but...never really had the motivation to do so. Sigh. Laziness rules supreme.