An end to consignment as I know it...

Jan 08, 2009 13:38

(Several friends have also called this 'Big Brother'),0,2083247.story

This is one article of (sadly) many about a new law that goes into effect next month. Due to product safety concerns for children (12 and under), no items may be sold that will be used by them without being tested for lead and something else (I've forgotten what other things they will test for). What this means in practice, is that ebay children's clothing and toys will close down. Consignment stores and second hand stores for children will close down (or have to have every item in their store tested). Garage sales for kids items will become illegal. I've heard that things like toothbrushes will need to be tested and that some stores are clearing their shelves as their current ones have not been tested.

SAHM's who earn extra money by sewing kid's clothing will need to have their items tested or close down. Even things like wooden whistles that are hand carved will need to be tested. (I have heard that 100% natural products might become exempt from this rule). I know several moms who make extra money sewing cloth diapers and such. They've put everything on sale and are hoping to regain their money before they close next month.

I personally hate it because this will force families (who don't have someone they can swap clothes with) to buy all new from department stores. Even worse, goodwill and thrift stores will no longer be allowed to sell donated kids' clothes. With economic times becoming tougher, many families I know have turned to thrift stores and goodwill to buy their kids both clothing and toys. I think this puts a greater strain on these families and I hate it. I buy my clothes mostly at consignment, but in truth, I could afford new clothes for the girls. I just wouldn't be able to buy the cuter outfits or so many of them.

I will be interested to see how this pans out and what it really looks like, but it's sad to see so many mothers who earn extra money by sewing things, put out of business. And I'm concerned for families in crisis.
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