(no subject)

Jul 28, 2007 00:03

Funny HP Moments...inspired by Book 7 from the sick mind of SW1 and SW2:

ShadowWing: I see Snape as the Unwilling Hero, he never wanted to be one, never intended to be one but despite his rather selfish nature became one anyway.
Wolfie: anti-hero I think is the best term though I don't agree with that as the usage but it's the closest...yeah Unwilling Hero
ShadowWing: And will be lauded in the history books as a Great Hero by Harry Potter with him on the other side of the veil BITCHING about it.
Wolfie: LOL! And James telling him to shut the hell up bitching bout his son, you stupid git
Wolfie: And Snape going to hell for hexing the shit outta James
ShadowWing: Snape> He named his SON after ME?! Does he hate the child or something?!
Wolfie: Lily> I've always liked your name, Sev.

ShadowWing: I'd like to think when Molly opened the can o whoop ass on Bella the whole Great Hall Froze and boggled for a good 30 seconds. Or Neville decided to go after Bella saw the Momma Bear Molly and decided to get the fuck out of the way.
ShadowWing: Neville> Revenge for my parents! e_e
Neville> ...then again...maybe not....
Wolfie: roars with laughter

ShadowWing: Oh man the afterlife scene...
Sirius> He fed you to his SNAKE?!
Snape> At least ist better than death by interior decor....
Lily> Here we go again....
Wolfie: OMG! I love it!
Wolfie: Write that down
ShadowWing: I'll LJ it

harry potter, friends, mind rambles

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