Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (SPOILERS)

Jul 22, 2007 13:25

Start Time- 7-21-07 1:15pm
Finish Time- 7-21-07 8-9pm

Here are the highlights...not gonna try to review this sucker for awhile.

Lily's Letter, *wibble*
Kreacher's Redemption, ROCK!...now we know why Jo was so insistant on keeping him in the 5th Film
Ron's Desertion, Figured he'd be back it was the locket that tainted him the way the Diary tainted Ginny, Jo did get me off guard on the real reason for the Deluminator thou.
Ron's Redemption/Destrucion of the Locket, ROCKS X 5 TAKE THAT RON HATERS! I actually stood up and howled with joy at that scene.
Dobby's Death, *WIBBLE*
Neville- Leader of the DA! WHOOT!!!!!
Neville's Gran- "Just remember my son the 28th level Witch Kicks EVERYBODYS ASS"
Ron/Hermoine Kiss> I laughed...long and hard it was great in the middle of everything. Classic!
Snape's Death> Didn't see it happening like that, but makes perfect sence.
The Prince's Tale> Now we know the REAL reason why that was his Worst Memory.
The Walk to Death> *cries*
Neville's Glory> A True Gryffindor at last! (bet the goblins are pissed!)
The Unsinkable Molly Weasley> STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH! I was thinking....ooooh Bella? You are fucked, you just don't know it yet!

*tips her hat to Jo and holds up a shot of Firewhiskey* I honestly didn't think it could be wrapped up in one book, done so well, not feel rushed and answer pretty much everything so damn well. Bravo and well done, it takes allot of guts to have tasted the fame you have and still stick to the plan you made all this years ago in a small cafe, you knew that you couldn't make all of us happy but damn you still followed through to the end and the result is a fantastic saga worthy to be passed on from parents to children for many years to come.

Here's to you Jo! *downs the shot* Take your well earned rest and live your life, like Harry...you both have earned it.

harry potter, opinions, mind rambles

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