Damn fillings...

Jan 22, 2002 10:27

Last night was to be the final trip to the dentist for my fillings. The LAST one was to be finished and no more trips except to have regular check ups and cleanings.


So what happened you ask. Okay I have this one tiny filling, that refuses to stay put it popped out twice so my dentist refilled it the first time. Re-drilled and refilled the second time and redrilled some more and refilled the third time. Finally it stayed PUT!

So we believed, less than a hour before my appointment last night I was brushing my teeth when guess what? It popped out AGAIN -_-...and damn it all it was on the opposite side of my mouth than the one that I was getting drilled! ARGH...so after my dentist and I cursed the little thing to death she decided that this was war and that I'd have to make ANOTHER appointment so she get me good and numb then drill out everything, any remaints of the filling, the bonding agents and any new decay that might have formed because of the filling popping out on a semi regular basis. I am SO not happy about it. At least this is free of charge...but still :P

Other than that not much. Still quiet here at work. I start HTML/Web Design classes this week all evening and I have some inventory work that needs to be done this weekend (yay more money ^_^ Boo! Wake up early -_-)

Still no UCTF results so I don't know if Chastity or my new char Mercy is fighting next week or not. O.o

Oh well. Laters all!


real life, webwork, rants, rant and rave, uctf, rpg

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