Slow day at Work...

Jan 17, 2002 15:32

That's that bad part of end-of-the-month madness, the slow parts just afterwards are almost mind numbing. Some people are complaining, not me! I'm gonna enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts. It'll get busy again soon enough I bet ^_^.

Now to tell you about the rest of my life that I didn't get to last time, other than the job maddness not much is going one. Chastity's UCTF career is doing alright, I won a belt then lost it in my first defence (by the skin of my teeth I might add), been nominated for Best New Fighter and Sexiest Woman, for the UCTF's annual awards. Added a few storied to my site The Aerie, finished that DCU ShadowWing story, and I have finally gotten into the mood to work on the Animated Series tale, that will take longer to finish I bet...saying I'm up to Chapter 8 and NOW I'm really getting into the fun parts.

In the LEST2 front things have gone from bad to worse there. Jason Restag, a General in the Conrnerian Intelligence has uped the anty on the team. In a desparate bid to break his hold from the inside out Mariko offered Restag a deal, to work with him and betray her team mates. If Mariko is serious about betraying the Avengers or she ACTUALLY wants to work for Restag remains to be seen. As a first test Mariko was asked to shoot down a small transport that was SUPPOST to carry only some cargo but ended up having a fellow Knight (that Mariko knew and liked) as well as a rival of a funder of Restag's little activities. Mariko was shaken but quickly put it behind her, yet no sooner was that taken care of than Restag ordered the deaths of Gabriel Coates and his allies (who had been helping the LEST2 for months against Restag.

So Mariko is already riven with Guilt over the deaths on the transport, add to that the deaths of all those in the lab, the trigger was the transport going down. Her XO Flyer Fox has gone AWOL in a powerful mecha that he plans to lean in a suicide mission against Restag solo. The Medic CJ has also left, if she will return remains to be seen. Shriana a member placed there by COates is in mourning for her 'father' Gabriel Coates, Bradley the LEST's newest member is completely floored by all of this. Tyrone is stable but he has to worry about former member and his fiance (whose also pregnant) Vrika, that Restag wants as well. So now the next session will be a trip O.o...

Anybody who wants Mariko's job? Any takers? *hears crickets chirp* Didn't think so...

So what will Mariko do now? Two things may happen, One Mariko..unable to cope with the stress and the guilt and the splintering of the LEST2 will revert to a time where nothing could harm her when she was a cold heartless Rogue Knight. Two...she's able to hold herself (and the team) together until Restag is down for keeps.

After Restag goes down? Well to be honest I cannot see ANYBODY on this team trusting anybody in the CMF after this is settled, Venom already has bounties on thier head, so if they can get the resources together, they COULD go mercenary, Coates might have left alot of stuff behind after his death, they could gather whats left and get started. Of course I doubt that the CMF will let them go easily, but I think the well chosen threat of the Restag Scandal (and it WILL be a scandal trust me...) going public will get them to back theory... O.o... Here's hoping at least, but before that I gotta get the run-amuck XO back into the fold, and find out where our medic went while Jason Restag is asking me for favors. Oh the life of a slightly unstable CO of an Elite Strike Force, ain't it grand?

Oh I did go out of town for new years, road trip! And I needed the break...badly the party wasn't exactly wild, but it was what we all needed. Just kicked back with a few drinks (I didn't imbibe...since I had been up since 4am that day and wanted to stay awake till 12am, liquor tends to knock me out unless it also has high sugar and or caffine mixed in with it) They had a HUGE bonfire in the backyard and we all sat around it and talked...saying that it was about 10 degrees out there tells you how warm the fire was ^_^

Let's see Christmas was cool, I got a new MP3 player and some other stuff, plus cash from Grandma...much needed till I could get the paychecks back O.o I've stalled on my drawing for now...been sewing up a storm however. I can write, draw and sew, but I can never do all three at the same time. I go on sewing binges, writing binges or drawing binges...wierd.

Well I better sign off for now, check my mail and see if any work has come in for me.



friends, real life, starfox, travel, mind rambles, uctf, rpg

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