On the Road again...

Oct 28, 2001 10:08

Here I am on a road trip again and on my pals PC...she has DSL ^_^

I'm two days done with a three day Halloween event, Night of the Living Zoo! That means we pass out candy and entertain LOTS of small children as they scurry though the Zoo after dark...

And every year we pick a theme for our little group, two years ago it was Star Wars Ep1, last year it was suppose to be X-Men but got turned into Harry Potter, this year was a bigger Harry Potter display. Next year is Star Wars Ep2 O.o

But the best part of it all is that ONE of our group insisted that we could never pull off this years display, and that his SW display next year would be better...heh heh heh.

We got him but good!

You see the official Harry Potter Movie Soundtrack is due out next week, we wanted it for the event THIS weekend, so we nicely asked the powers that be if we could purchace one early for our event. They did even better, they GAVE us a promotional copy for FREE!!!!!!!! That music is kickass, made by the same composer that created the Star Wars Saga music. Heh now to fend of requests for copies until after the CD is officially released. We LIKE our lives thank you very much.

Anyways I better sign off for now and get some food....



harry potter, friends, travel, costumes

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