Oct 22, 2001 23:47

...BUT THE MEMORY REMAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you ask that I screamed the first line of a Metallica song at you all?

Cuz I am now in SUCH a better mood, nothing like a little ultra violence to cheer up with. and WHERE did this come from you also ask?

Why the Ultimate Crossover Tournment Fighting or course! You see to give myself some senceless violence and fun I joined up this rather unusual RPG (Unusual for ME that is ^_^) The goal is simple to win fights, the how is to write the BEST serial story within one week. Whoever of the pair writes the best wins the fight.

I'm a newbie I just joined up, and to make my life even more fun I was slotted against TWO fighters in my debut >.< Thank Goddess I'm a good writer on the fly! Needless to say after a HUGE wait the results were finally posted and I just read them.

I WHOOPED MAJOR @$$!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Got one guy (another newbie) RIGHT were it counts, gentlemen feel free to wince now. And the second assed out in the middle of the ring after several high powered kicks to his face. Now I didn't come out unscathed, I'm hurtin...but man those two are hurtin WORSE >=)

Now back to my loud subject line, my character in the UCTF is Chaos Comics Chastity Marks, a cute little Vampire Assassin/Actress, her entrance song is Metallica's Memory Remains, and the first line of the song is above. Needless to say after a double debut win I'm a little jazzed...

So now I'm waiting for others to read the matches so we can plot what to do next. I've made 'friends' with other chars and this event has the wheels turning all over the place!!!

Heh heh heh!!

Takes my mind of the hell that is my place of employment >=)

Oh well I'll sign off for now and read some of the other fighters reactions in the message boards...they should be good!!


chastity, comics, uctf, rpg

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