Journal? What's that again?

Sep 03, 2001 10:37

Man have I been MEGA busy lately...

It all started a week ago with the small fact that the Rennisance Faire starts in two weeks and the new costume that I will be wearing is in various sized pieces scattered around my workroom. Needless to say I had to get my tail in gear and finish it FAST.

No sooner did I tackle that little project then my ex-roomie and best pal finished a story that involved one of my characters, which inspired me to finish one of my stories, then we got the brilliant idea that the two should intertwine it was re-write and edit time!

So numerous emails, ICQ messages, and phone calls later we hammered out all the plot points and NOW the stories are ready for posting. *YAY*

Now I turn back to the sewing project, and get that costume finished, (If you want to know it's purple, light gray and white, and is modeled after the Elizabethian period) and then wonder where in my work schedule I can actually FIT the time to update my site. As I am pondering this my brother walks in and states that his new computer is ready and therefore I can have his old (yet still powerful) Dell monster.

So now I have to figure out how to get all my stuff from one PC to another w/o losing EVERYTHING, thank you CD-R and Zip Drives!! And Curse you ICQ for no longer have that nice DB convert file on the newer versions of ICQ2000!!!

Add to that the fact that I am currently not at home, I'm at my aforementioned pal's place enjoying my three day long weekend and reveling in the peace and quiet, the only disturbance is her rather demented, six-toed, black cat named Familiar. She gets the cat on the first week of October, on the night of the full moon, it's black has six toed and she WONDERS why it's demented??

Oh well..

She finally woke up...time to go laters!


sewing, friends, fan fiction, travel, costumes

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