I LIIIIVE!!! (take 2)

Aug 15, 2001 21:48

I came I saw I got my teeth and gums poked and proded with sharp little hooks and other items that look like good old Leon pulled them out of his little black bag and I survived it all.

I'm already paying through the nose for various fillings and STILL have more to go (HEY KIDS! If you are reading this take care of your teeth... TRUST me if you don't you'll pay for it later, and I DO NOT mean the drilling I mean in the pocketbook, youch!!!) Nothing new cropped up and I have one or two more appontments to go for the filling-o-ramma to go! Yay...my budget gets back to normal, note to self...check the car out JUST in case :P

On a happier note I just won an auction for a item I've been chaseing after for a few months now, another piece to be added to my doll collection *grins* Me is happy!

On a somewhat better note, though my backup at work had to leave for school *whine!!* We DID get a new Payroll Clerk and HR Assistant, that means that the pain in the you know where HR Director has NO reason to anny yours truly anymore *yay!* But until we get a new receptionist the phone has now taken her place in the attempt to drive me to take a flying leap from the window...

No need to panic! We are on the ground floor, me thinks it was my boss's attempt to keep us from tossing the comps out the window though *snickers*

Oh well I hope I can get either some HTML work done or a fic finished at least... (yeah right where have I heard that before *rolls eyes*)


real life

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