Questions from Capt. Fox

Aug 16, 2010 11:54

Many weeks ago bodhifox asked me 3 questions and I never got around to answering them since stress ate my brain. So ...

1. Is there a song that makes you happy?
Honestly, my relationship with music is much like other people breathe. I see everything in terms of music. To me walking around outside is like being in the middle of a symphony; every tree, rock, flower and so on has their own music. The way that Mother Nature blends it all together is always fascinating to me and wonderful to hear. The song of Nature makes me very happy.

In terms of music created by people ... there are so many. Anything that makes me think of being in a older, smoke filled bar with live music, anything that's upbeat and makes you move makes me happy. Songs that remind me of happy moments always bring a smile to my face. The summer that Lynn and I were getting to know each other Taylor Swift's Our Song was very popular and we ended up using it at our wedding to enter the reception because it's something that makes both of us smile, (we used to teach each other about talking softly on the phone late at night and such). At our wedding our first dance was to Aerosmith's I Don't Want to Miss A Thing because so often I'd find Lynn just watching me with this delighted smile on his face. One day when I asked why he sang a few lines of this too me. Bon Jovi's It's My Life and Natasha Bedingfield's Unwritten both make me grin and dance along to them because it's all about stepping up and making the most of 'your' life. Dwight Yoakam's Honky Tonk Man is one of those that reminds me of childhood as that's the only type of music that Grandad would have play; almost all country music from that time makes me smile. And I couldn't leave out songs like Marilyn Mandon's The Beautiful People or Drowning Pool's Bodies always gets a smile and some rocking out when they come up on rotation.

2. Who has had the most positive impact on your life?
Without a doubt it'd have to be Lynn. There have been many people in my life to get to where I am now and to help make me the way I am now. But I'm far healthier and happier than I can ever remember being at this time in my life. I'm in a healthy loving relationship, I'm taking care of myself better, and I finally spend far more time being happy rather than depressed. I'm getting to experience more and have fun with things. He has given me the freedom and security to truly be me and it's one of the most amazing things in the world.

3. Angels...real?
Yes ... and no. It depends on each person and how they are able to view the world. I remember playing with fey as a child though others may have called them angels simply because that's what they are more comfortable with. Still others see a distinct difference between them and label them as such. Perception is reality and you can not change somebody else's reality until you can get them to see a different way of things.

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