New Season and More Plans

Apr 08, 2013 13:57

I don't think we were home for more than an hour at a time the whole weekend, unless we were heading to bed.

Friday was our errands night for a few things we've been needing as well as groceries.

Saturday we were up early to sit at Miller and get tickets for the first performance of the year. They're celebrating 90 years of performances and the children's group that partners with them put on Thoroughly Modern Millie. While waiting for tickets I nearly finished up the dwarf beard I was working on, worked a bit on the verona headband, and started up the Sock History blanket I've been wanting to do except that's getting pulled out and restarted later. I feel like I had an attack of "Must start all the things!" because I had to fight very hard to not start more projects. I came very close to starting the Windowpane Socks that I want to do (since I had the yarn and needles with me) but managed to console myself with the blanket.

After getting tickets it was home to grab some food and then up to the hotel for a Space City Con meeting. It was good to see everybody and talk things over, walk the hotel and hear more about how plans are shaping up. It's much easier to talk about where to put things when you are there and can see the space rather than looking at a drawing with no measurements. I also managed to get a few times sorted out so I can start letting volunteers know when the walkthrough, set up, and such will be.

Then it was back home to eat and off to the theater for the play. The play was awesome! The kids did a fantastic job, hit all their cues (from what I could tell) and sang their hearts out. I always love being out at Miller and experiencing the awesomeness.

Sunday I had a message from the guy paying for the beard. He was going to finally be at practice so was it possible that I'd have it done? Well, Miss Kid's party was that afternoon so we'd planned to skip practice but I got moving early and finished up the beard. We managed to stop by the park and hand it off to a 'very' excited dwarf and got a couple great pictures of it before dashing off to the party. I was sad to leave though since after weeks of very few people showing up the park was full of fighters. I really would have loved to get out there and battle but I guess it's for the best with my hand still not being fully healed.

Miss Kid is now 12, or has been since the 30th. She had her party at SkyZone again and everybody bounced to their heart's content. Lynn and I even got out there with the kids and played dodgeball for a bit. Of course now I 'really' want to play on a large trampoline again and do flips and such. You can't really do that at SkyZone since it's all small trampoline's connected and I don't feel there's enough room for me to feel safe doing more than bouncing.

On the way home I got a call from Lackland. It was good to hear from him since he'd been in the hospital and despite no longer loving him enough to be married to him I do still care about him. He's had some health issues but the doctors are looking into it.

All in all it was a very busy weekend but I feel that a 'lot' was accomplished in a lot of different areas. How was your weekend?

scc, weekend report, lackland, dagorhir, knitting, miss kid

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