OMG long time no see, right?! Well, I'll have to give an update on life later, but as usual, the need to freely rant is what has brought be back temporarily. Saw this link on Yahoo today and had to read it... kinda wish I hadn't now, as I am thoroughly infuriated and I don't have the energy to properly raege lol.
But apparently, the Pope thinks that, and I quote, "...Christians suffer more religious persecution than any other group, denouncing lack of freedom of worship as an 'intolerable' threat to world security..."
Ok. That sentence alone peeved me enough to make me read this article. I insist that everyone take two seconds to read it before continuing on from here.
Pope speaks up for the persecuted 'minority'... So I'm going to basically take what is here and tell you why I'm raeging. For starters, his biggest concern is for Christian minorities in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Well, why would Christians be minorities there to begin with? Oh, right, because Christianity is an invading religion who is currently trying to disassemble and disintegrate other religions, religions that the native peoples have practiced since times unknown. Yes, chances are your efforts to destroy a long established way of life to rebuild it into an image of what you think it should be are going to be met with a bit of bitterness and hostility.
He also goes on to discuss how "...At present, Christians are the religious group which suffers most from persecution on account of its faith... Christian communities [are] suffering from violence and intolerance...". It would almost be too easy to bring up the witch hunts in Europe and North America from the 15th to 18th century, resulting in an estimate 40,000-100,000 deaths
(cited from Wiki). This is obviously not including the time period in Christianity's infancy, when the original Celts, Wiccans, Druids and the like were run out of their lands or forced to convert.
I mean, he's complaining that they're being met with hostility and intolerance and not allowing them to express themselves religiously due to "...more sophisticated forms of hostility to religion, which, in Western countries, occasionally find expression in a denial of history and the rejection of religious symbols..." buuuut, didn't we just deny the building of a mosque at Ground Zero? Had it been a church, or a synagogue, it would have been fine, correct? So it seems, here in our own country, if a non-Christian group does something that displeases the majority, the consequences you face could be fatal. I say that because people were threatening to attack, burn down, riot, just general malicious violence upon the people who would allow such a thing. AND THEY WERE OPENLY SAYING THIS! On TV/radio/newspapers, everywhere. People were swearing they would rain the fires of Hell upon the mosque if it were built. We sure as hell didn't do anything to curb this mindset either, did we?
And let me take a second to say now that I understand that peoples' reasoning behind it was that America holds Al-Quaeda responsible for 9/11. I personally do not believe that story but I am not going to get into a discussion on that here. Even so, if that were the case, there's proof as recent as this year that sites for major religious massacres have had religious sites built by the massacre-ies, but no outcry was to be heard. Why? Because the offended religion was not Christian.
Bet you can't guess what religion it was o: Then they were complaining about how " some Western countries ban crucifixes from public places, ranging from classrooms to courtrooms..." What would have happened to me if I'd shown up to high school back in the day (many, many days ago) and slapped a pentacle up next to the flag? Or a Star of David, an inverted cross, or any other religious symbol? Shit would have hit the fan (nowadays shit will go down if you slap a cross up there, but it was juuuust becoming taboo when I was in school, so it wouldn't have been that bad). Yeah, you want to talk about Christianity being the most persecuted... only because other religions are tired of having their identity squashed down and ripped away from them. I'm not Christian, and there are times I feel I have to tip toe around other people because I'm not sure how they're going to react to that knowledge. Christians sure as hell don't worry about that!
Jeeze, I was supposed to be in bed 2hrs ago. I'm stopping this rant here, maybe I'll pick it up tomorrow, who knows. Anyone who has anything they'd like to add or say, whether it be to contradict my opinions or agree, please feel free. I very much enjoy INTELLIGENT religious conversations. Anonymous is allowed, and if you're here via my FB you can still comment here.