Crazy Vixi with another kookie idea...

Jun 21, 2010 02:45

Yah, that's right, I've got another batshit nutters idea that I need help with. Please, everyone, don't act so shocked.


I need help. I'm attempting to dye the skin on my back. It's going to be a zebra pattern, with the stripes as black, and what would normally be the white part is going to be a rainbow pattern, similar to this.

It's going to be able to be hidden, so permanency isn't an issue, but I really didn't want to have to use paints, mainly because sweating is an issue (it's going to be for a parade). I don't have access or the money to purchase an airbrush either. Since part of it will be rainbow I need it to be color, so henna is out.

Any suggestions?

rainbow goodness, it rubs the koolaid on the skins

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