(no subject)

Mar 16, 2005 14:15

So, I started today by missing a mandatory meeting in homeroom that occurs every wednesday. Now, in my defense, this is my second week and last wednesday they sent me to conference all day - but I should have written it down somewhere and subsquent calander searches later proved that I had not, in fact, recorded the meeting anywhere. Anyway, the way I discovered my inadvertant absence was the counselor for my treatment team came down to my office about an hour later to fill me on what I missed and the various demeanors and personalities of the children she councils. She was really quite nice about it but I still feel like a bit of a heel. Wonderful impression Lori. Fantastic. At least the rest of day actually included some things that made me feel productive beyond the filing of 5 million sheifs of paper including a relatively productive meeting with a graduating senior. And, yes, I am aware the day has not yet ended - but now is about when I start winding down and the sugar in my system all surges to my brain in a fit of lethargic glee.
That said, my neck is killing me and I can't determine if the irritatingly not-quite-vague smell of smoke in my office is from sleeping in front of a fireplace (doubtful) or something that caught on fire at some point in the auto class next door (far more likely). While sleeping on the floor by the fireplace last night was very romantic and much fun (who really gets to feel like they are at a sleepover as an adult often?) it seems to have convinced my body that aches are a way of life to be dealt with with tolerant patience. My brain disagrees. Also, sadly, sleeping took up more of my time last night than I had planned - but by the time we got the fire going and dinner eaten my eyes felt like I needed sturdy pieces of oak to prop them open. I kept trying to wake myself up, but my eyelids just wouldn't budge. Many apologies adrian, especially given that it was my idea and you had nothing to keep you occupied after I dozed off. I blame you not at all for the "Aaron is more fun" comments (yes, i am aware i am misquoting and misrepresenting what you said, but it was funnier that way) ;)
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