intro sorta

Mar 01, 2008 17:25

For mirrorverse

The Institute's infirmary was quiet.
Laurie had fallen asleep after Josh Foley left. Kevin stared down at her.
Her arm was still wrapped in gauze from palm to elbow. The smell of antiseptic clung to her.
She might never be able to use her arm again, or worse, if it turned necrotic--
His fault.
Kevin had thought it was safe. Or had he? Had he only let himself stop thinking and acting responsibly for long enough to do this to her?

He'd been in love with Laurie since the first time he saw her, and bitterly
jealous of Josh for succeeding where he'd failed. Angry that she couldn't see
that she deserved better than some two-timing jerk--

Stop. Just stop.

He couldn't help her. He didn't even know how to help himself, if it was possible any longer.

He turned and stared at himself in the examination mirror with something close to hatred, raised a fist to slam into the shining surface.
His arm went through, painlessly, as if the glass had turned to water. Startled, he went off balance and fell
and disappeared...
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