magic potion--TM prompt

Mar 01, 2008 16:43

Humans already invented a few of those, including hot chocolate and vodka.
Don't believe me? Try combining them. Heaven in a plastic cup. Or a coffee mug.
--Don't look. You think Keller's the only one who ever bent the rules? We were called "Hellions" for reasons, pal.
And that was before growing up. Adults may not have more imagination than kids, but they're a lot harder to send to their rooms for acting up.
Okay, okay. I'll play nice. It's something to do while making sure JFK Airport Security doesn't find me stowing away aboard this flight to a certain island it's snowing so hard out.
I guess if it had to be just one, I'd ask for a potion that'd reverse time for
someone. Not turn a sixteen-year-old into a baby again, but...undo something that'd just lately happened. Or maybe give someone longer, who wouldn't have it otherwise.
And then I'd probably end up being chased by harpies or some such crap.
Magic does that. Give me bizarre mutations any day.
And yes, I will totally call you a liar if you ever try to remind me that I said that.

theatrical muse

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