Oh wow you guys, I just spent about three hours this afternoon writing fanfic. I went to a coffee shop and opened up my netbook and Spike and Xander came to life in my head, and I wrote. It was great. I've missed this so much.
The last-edited date on the file was June 15th, but I know it's been longer than that since I actually wrote, because I remember I just did a few line edits the last time I had the file open. I think the last time I did any real writing was in mid-April. Gah.
Writing is so hard, sometimes. You know what I'm talking about. Like slogging up a muddy hill in the pouring rain wearing a big wool sweater. But today it was more like taking a running start and sliding down the muddy hill, shrieking gleefully the whole time.
Except not with actual shrieking. My fellow coffee-shop patrons probably would've objected.
Anyway. Hooray for vacation!
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