Firefly fic rec

May 27, 2009 22:20

I'm not writing much these days! (You'd noticed, right?)

So here's a plan I have for not being completely invisible in fandom-I'll make an effort to post a little rec whenever I read a good fic. Well, okay, whenever I read a good fic and then still have time and energy afterwards to write even a minimal post. Heh. Do not expect a sudden deluge of rec posts.

Today I read Air by ana_grrl. (I got the link off Crack Van, which is pretty much cheating, recs-wise. You forgive me, right?) It's a Firefly story-a short, sweet Kaylee/Inara slash fic set a little while after the movie.

Gosh I love Kaylee. And this fic captures her voice really nicely.

By the way, if you're reading my posts on Livejournal or Insanejournal, you might notice that I'm redirecting comments to Dreamwidth! So, yeah, this is what I've decided to do for now:

1) Crosspost completely (ie: Dreamwidth, Livejournal, Insanejournal).

2) For meta and general musings, redirect comments to Dreamwidth.

(Why? Well, in the event that any conversations happen in comments, I'd like them to be all in one place. The place where I have lots of icons to use.)

3) For fic (when I eventually get some more written), leave comments open everywhere.

(Why? Because I want to make leaving feedback as easy as possible. I mean seriously, if I could go to your house and do the typing for you while you lounged on your sofa eating grapes, I would.)

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

firefly, recs: fic

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