Fic rec: Angel's (Not So Much) Inner Monologue by girlpire

Apr 13, 2009 03:31

Hey there, world! I'm still not posting very much. Sorry! I am writing, I am, (on rare occasions) and eventually I will post something, even!

I'm also not reading very much. But, happily, tonight I have insomnia! (No, really, there's a happy ending here!) So I came online, and saw shapinglight's rec for Angel's (Not So Much) Inner Monologue by girlpire. And truly, it made my night.

Warning: if you happen to be reading it in the middle of the night, and there happen to be sleeping entities in your immediate vicinity such as spouses, toddlers, and/or random house-guests, you may have to go to great lengths to stifle your delighted laughter.

recs: fic

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