So, Ki left about an hour ago, which leaves me the sole occupant of this apartment. Which would be much more entertaining, if, you know, the internet bothered to work most of the time. *kicks it*
In any case, tis the close of the school year, and almost the year. There are definitely some things that I need to change in my life, and maybe I can get it straightened out somewhat over the break.
In other news, I will be limited on internet access for the next three weeks.
Shades people, try and keep the site alive. (And thank
iamzuul and
nuklear_firefly for the colors and the coding--it's so pretty~!)
I am looking forward to getting home.
I can't wait to see my family.
I am excited to spend time with the rest of the Angels~ ^-^
Love to everyone, and may your winter holidays bring joy.
EDIT: Ki, I've gone through Dec and Nov and tagged each entry with ki or fi. You think you can help me on this massive project?