End of Semester

Dec 17, 2005 06:59

Like all other addictive substances, manga should be used responsibly. In my case, staying up till 11:00 to read three volumes of Rurouni Kenshin is bordering on the verges of irresponsibility, especially since I knew I had to get up at 6:00 to get Things (ie cleaning and packing) done.

But. I am up, enlivened by a series of odd but exciting dreams mostly featuring Kenshin characters, thrilled to be going home, and very unthrilled to be faced with the project of cleaning my room and scouring the fridge.

At least everything else is done! I took my Geology final yesterday morning (all of fifteen minutes, BOOYAH!), sold back what textbooks I could ($51 for a Geology text that cost me $67 is pretty darn good!), bought a few more Christmas presents, treated myself to lunch at the Cougareat and a Jamba Juice, and graded papers. Astonishingly, I then found myself with an hour and a half before I needed to be anywhere, so instead of being good and dutiful and going home to clean, I luxuriated for an hour in the library Sampler Room reading Archer's Goon. First nine chapters and last three 'cause I ran out of time. (Oh, shut up, I've already read it, it wasn't cheating). Then I headed off to grade The Pen and the Sword finals, which really went astonishingly well. Some of the presentations were genius. Some others were less so, but we didn't give any grade lower than an A-, which really made me happy. The final grading itself took place at the Brick Oven, where Professor Griggs treated all three of us TAs to dinner while we graded. I was also thrilled to find that despite my sometimes overly harsh grading on papers, all of my students who'd conscientously done their work did really, really well. There were only two students I worried about--one of beloved_baka's who hadn't turned in three of five papers despite multiple warnings, and one of mine who skipped out on one paper and an exam. *kicks them* Ah well, that is over for the semester and now I just have to worry about getting in contact with Julie and Dr. Keele for next semester!

And cleaning...and writing 14 stories...and Christmas shopping...and praying we don't crash on our way to the airport, and I don't crash in the plane, and we don't crash on our three-hour drive home from Chicago...

*worries too much*


life, exams, ki, school

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