
Dec 14, 2005 18:05

Finals are over now.


Now I've got till Saturday to clean up all my junk and get ready to go home.

Huzzah for home!

The List
kmegumi2: Kaji!drabble, involving flirting and a sakura blossom
squeakchan: Something involving Oracle
lady_spaz: something with Neji
beloved_baka: Kaji/Tsuba, with much blushing and stammering
iamzuul: Team Ten (all four members)
_ladymacbeth: humorous!Kisame, either by himself or with Itachi
crimsonriver: Shigeru & Kana, from Shades
sna32: Midori & family from Shades
lefty_215: Ino/Sasuke
dragon_bite: Deidara and cooking
nuklear_firefly: Kaji and Suisen

If you haven't requested anything for Christmas and you want to, now's the time to do it.


ficcage, christmas, fi, school

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