Oct 05, 2004 08:06
Hello everybody, time for yet another update.
We'll start with yesterday morning, and kind of branch out from there. Yesterday morning, Nykkie and I woke up and began to get ready for the drive back to Rochester. We got ready, got the car, filled it with gas, and I bought us breakfast sandwiches, and I bought Nykkie and Raspberry Chocolate Coffee.....but shortly after opening it, it spilled onto her legs and burned her.....that made me sad, but we stopped at the Country Fair in Fredonia and I bought her a SOBE, and a Pyxie Dust lottery game in which she won $2 on hehehe. We drove and drove and drove, Nykkie took a nap on the way there cause she was exhausted, and Artemis slept on my lap as I drove. We got there with an hour to kill so we took everything to her room, and headed out to get breakfast before she had to go to class. We ate at Arby's........yay for thick slabs of fucking meat!!!!!!!!! God I love meat! Mmmmmm Mmmmmm mother fucker!!!! lmao, but yeah, we ate and then she went to class, we said our saddened goodbyes, and then she went inside. Before I headed out I wanted to stop by FYE to buy another movie or two, and I ended up buying Ginger Snaps 1 and 2 to complete my collection of all three, such an awesome movie trilogy and highly recomended by your truly. I then left and hopped on the thruway, and about 30 minutes into the drive.......I took a wrong turn after the toll booth, which ended up taking me 80 miles total out of the way, I had no fucking clue where I was, and worried as to whether or not I'd make it back to Brocton in time, and with enough gas. But I did, I made it back here at 3:04 on the dot. When I got here I immediately called my beloved and talked to her for awhile. After I got done talking to her I began to ferociously clean up the house for my parents........for those of you who don't know, Nykkie and I were house sitting for my parents while they were in Tennessee. I got done cleaning, and then went out to feed the horses, and then got ready for work. I called Nykkie before I left cause she wanted me to, but she wasn't home, or didn't answer the phone so I left a message and went on my way. I got to work and found out that the entire floor had been packed, we did not have one single empty bed, and there was only 1 of us for each hall.....in other words, last night was quite possibly the most hectic, jam packed, insane night I have had since the time I started working there. I got to take my first smoke break at 2:00 a.m., which for those of you who don't know is 7 1/2 hours into my shift of 12 1/2 hours. I was gone for a matter of 3 or 4 minutes, and I got back in to find that there was a code blue in progress, so I quickly had to rush to the ICU and assist. Luckily the lady survived, came very close to not surviving, but she did. After that we all took a deep breath and continued on the night. It stayed steady all night long, and then it finally came time to leave for home. Sadly, I may be getting called in tonight because they are short handed again (like always.......dumb ass fucking hospital needs to schedule more people), but I'm not really complaining that much because this is another one of them days that will be 12 1/2 hours with Overtime Pay, Insentive Pay, and my night shift differential, I have well over $1,200 just in this pay periods overtime so far, which means that after taxes are taken out, my check for this period is going to be over $1,500 because I have even more overtime on the way. Which also reminds me that I am able to take a Tax Free Pay Period out which means that I will be making my full gross on my pay check which will be over $2,000.........*throws the bills on the bed and rolls around in them naked* sorry couldn't resist lol. But anyways, I got home, and took my car into the shop to get the cut break lines fixed, and the wheel bearings, and new tires. And now I am just sitting here, fighting falling asleep, hoping I can fight it long enough to call my beloved before she has to go to school. She may be coming out again this weekend! She has a 4 day weekend off of school and she might be able to come back out. That will totally fucking rock! But anyways, I am going to go race like a piss horse, and then occupy myself until the time comes to call my beloved. I will talk toy ou all later, take care everybody. I love you Nykkie! With all my heart and soul! Forever and ever! *kisses deeply*